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Social Learning

E-learning has for a long time now been about ticking boxes, it’s easy to measure and easy to evidence, it’s cost-effective and it can be done at any time but now is the time for e-learning to evolve! Social media learning, aka s-learning, is e-learning and so much more; s-learning is about a personal learning journey, it’s about putting learning into practice, it’s about being able to fit learning in and around the learner, it’s about content, making connections and the start of something not the whole of something.S-learning embraces social media and the short, snappy and social principles that make social media content so engaging. 


The Carrot s-learning approach to learning uses engaging social media and social media content, it pulls content together, it facilitates discussion and encourages learning being applied to practice. Carrot s-learning is not about ticking boxes but about improving knowledge and practice, it’s about a journey of exploration and lasting communities of practice.


Each Carrot s-learning course runs alongside a Twitter hashtag which provides peer-to-peer support and discussion. In addition, s-learning amplifies both the learning and the digital footprint of the course content and its authors greatly. S-learning is very different from e-learning … both are digital but the evolution is significant.


For examples of s-learning and the Carrot learning approach read about WeLearn #AllOurHealth HERE and HERE and view tweets from the 2019 course HERE and watch a video about the WeLearn Digital Professionalism project with Plymouth University HERE.

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